Peugeot e-2008 enters 2021 as the best selling tram in Portugal


After having seen the Tesla Model 3 become the best-selling electric car in Portugal in 2020, the Peugeot e-2008 got on the right foot in 2021.

In the first month of the year, the 100% electric variant of the Gallic SUV had sold 60 units, a number that ensured it a 15% market share and sales leadership among electric models.

In fact, it was not just among electric models that the French SUV was successful, with 2008 being the absolute leader in the B segment in our country in January.

Peugeot e-2008

general leadership

In total, 413 100% electric cars were sold in Portugal in January, of which 87 were from Peugeot, a figure that corresponds to 21% of the market share and gave the French brand the lead.

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In addition to the 60 units of the Peugeot e-2008, 25 units of the Peugeot e-2008 were sold in January e-208 (which, counting all types of engines, was the best-selling saloon in the segment) and also two e-Traveller units.

Peugeot's leadership among electric cars in January was also joined by absolute leadership in our market in the first month of the year, with 1702 units sold and a market share of 14%.

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