Drhyve. The portable and Portuguese hydrogen filling station


Fully developed and produced in Portugal, the PRF Gas Solutions Dhryve hydrogen station has as its main novelty the fact that it is portable, something in which it is a pioneer in our country.

Able to fuel light and heavy vehicles at 350 bar, in the future the Dhryve will be able to fuel light vehicles at a pressure of 700 bar.

Currently, the only Dhryve station so far produced is installed in Cascais where it supplies two buses (also Portuguese and produced by Caetano Bus) and a light car.

hydrogen station

the first of many

After having already designed, developed and built countless CNG/LNG fuel stations currently “on the job” around the world, PRF Gas Solutions now wants to do the same with hydrogen stations.

This was said by Paulo Ferreira, Director of the PRF, who said: "We are very pleased that it was in Portugal that we launched the first of many Drhyve stations (PHRS — portable hydrogen refueling station) that the PRF will build."

Bruno Faustino, Director of the Hydrogen Business Unit, looks to the future and what can still be done, revealing: “PRF already has the 2nd Drhyve station in production and, although this station does not have its own production, we are already to design stations with its own local production of hydrogen, making the systems fully autonomous”.

As for the future of hydrogen in Portugal, Paulo Ferreira is confident: “Hydrogen will play a very important role in mobility and in a short time we will have important fleets of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles”.

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