Fuels will have new names. Know them so that you are not mistaken


Designed to help European consumers choose the right fuel for their vehicles, no matter which country they are in the European Union (EU), the new directive stipulates, from the outset, that all new cars sold in the EU must pass. to present a sticker with the new names of the fuels next to the nozzle of the tank.

At the same time, fuel traders will also have to make changes to the name, at the pumps, in order to match the new nomenclature, whose entry into force is scheduled for the next October 12th, to the new reality.

The new names of fuels

Regarding the new names themselves, they also aim to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, so the letters that identify gasoline and diesel, respectively "E" and "B", refer to their composition, in this case, containing, respectively, Ethanol and BioDiesel in its composition.

Fuel Labels, 2018

The numbers in front of the letters “E” and “B” therefore refer to the amount of Ethanol and BioDiesel present in the fuels. As an example, E5 refers to gasoline with 5% ethanol present in its composition. All denominations and what they mean.

Tag Fuel Composition Equivalence
E5 Gasoline 5% ethanol Conventional 95 and 98 octane gasolines
E10 Gasoline 10% ethanol Conventional 95 and 98 octane gasolines
E85 Gasoline 85% ethanol Bioethanol
B7 Diesel 7% biodiesel conventional diesel
B30 Diesel 30% biodiesel Can be marketed as BioDiesel in some stations
XTL Diesel Synthetic diesel
H2 Hydrogen
CNG/CNG Compressed Natural Gas
LNG/LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LPG/GPL Liquefied Petroleum Gas

The question of compatibilities

In terms of compatibility, an E85 vehicle can also, from the outset, use E5 and E10 gasoline, but the opposite is not the case — for example, a car designed to consume E5 cannot use E10; an “H” vehicle, that is, of the fuel cell type, is not compatible with anything else; and, finally, “G” cars (some type of gas) will, in principle, be able to use the type of fuel intended for them, but also gasoline.

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Also applicable outside the EU, this new European directive is the result of a joint effort by the European Association of Automobile Manufacturers (ACEA), the European Association of Motorcycle Manufacturers (ACEM), the Association of Fuel Distributors (ECFD), of the entity which defends the interests of oil refining companies with the EU (FuelsEurope) and the Union of Independent Fuel Suppliers (UPEI).

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