Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk is the fastest SUV… on ice


With 717 hp extracted from a 6.2 V8 Supercharged (yes, the same as Hellcat) the Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk it is the most powerful SUV in the world, being able to reach 290 km/h top speed and 100 km/h in 3.7s. But this is on asphalt, what will happen if we put it to the test on ice?

To find out, Jeep took a Grand Cherokee Trackhawk to Lake Baikal, Russia to participate in the “Speed ​​Days of the Baikal Ice Motor Sports Festival”, an annual event that has been held since 2011 on remote Russian lake where, in the last eight, years, more than twenty records have been broken in various vehicle categories.

To ensure the best chance of reaching a record, the Grand Cherokee Trackhawk saw unnecessary items removed from its interior and received only the minimum amount of fuel necessary for the attempts it was going to make. Why all this? Lose as much weight as possible.

Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk

The Grand Cherokee Trackhawk record

After carrying out all the preparations, the Grand Cherokee Trackhawk went to the “track” covered by a thin layer of water. Traction was ensured by the Jeep Quadra-Trac all-wheel drive system, with braking in conditions of such low grip being handled by the Brembo braking system that the SUV has as standard.

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Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk

As for the record itself, according to data from the International Automobile Federation (FIA) and the Russian Automobile Federation (RAF), the two entities responsible for measuring the speeds achieved at the event, the Grand Cherokee Trackhawk reached a top speed of 280 km/h.

The average speed reached over 1 km was no less impressive 257 km/h with a launched start, while the average speed after a start with a stopped start (within 1 km) was above 100 km/h H.

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