National Speed ​​Control System (SYNCRO) starts today


Combating excess speed in areas considered dangerous and thus reducing accidents is one of SINCRO's missions.

The first radar of the National Speed ​​Control System (SINCRO) was installed today on the A5, between Lisbon and Cascais. This system will consist of a network of 30 automatic radars, distributed over 50 places considered to be dangerous. The exact locations of the radars in operation will be unknown, because the devices will rotate between 50 cabins, and it will be impossible to detect where they are. Another characteristic of SINCRO radars is that they work without human intervention. Therefore, whoever is detected in excess of speed by one of these devices will not have a chance: he will even receive the fine at home.

The network should be completed by the beginning of next year, and half of the radars will be installed and put into operation by the end of September this year. The SINCRO system will cost the State 3.19 million euros, an amount approved in February by the Council of Ministers.

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