SSC Tuatara. That's what the 1770 hp of your twin-turbo V8 sounds like


After about seven years of development, the SSC Tuatara seems to be finally ready. Remember that this is the model with which SSC North America intends to break the record for the fastest production model in the world and thus join the still non-existent 300 mph group (about 483 km/h).

As if to prove that the development of the American hypersports is at a very advanced stage, SSC North America revealed a video where we can hear the Tuatara engine during the test bench phase.

The engine in question is a massive 5.9 l twin-turbo V8 with redline at 8800 rpm. The “1.3 Megawatts” mark stands out on the valve cover, indicating how many horsepower this powerful V8 delivers. When powered by E85 ethanol, the twin-turbo V8 is capable of delivering around 1770 hp, ie 1300 kW or 1.3 MW.

SSC Tuatara 2018

The recipe for reaching 300 mph (483 km/h)

Because speed records aren't set on the basis of raw power alone, SSC North America has invested heavily in areas such as aerodynamics or weight reduction. Thus, the Tuatara has a drag coefficient (Cx) of just 0.279 (to give you an idea, its main competitor, Hennessey Venom F5 has a drag coefficient of 0.33).

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In terms of weight, the SSC Tuatara weighs just 1247 kg (dry), all thanks to the use of carbon fiber in the production of the body and monocoque. Thanks to these numbers, SSC North America believes that the model with production limited to 100 units and price still unknown will be able to reach (and even surpass) the mark of 300 mph (about 483 km/h).

SSC Tuatara 2018

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