I have a category B driving license. What can I drive?


What can I drive with a passenger car license? Can I ride motorcycles or hitch a trailer? These are some of the questions that raise the most doubts among drivers with a category B license. But it doesn't have to be that way.

To find out what you can drive with a category B driving license, just look for the legal framework in the Regulation of Legal Qualification to Drive of Decree-Law No. 138/2012, of 5 July.

And according to this Decree-Law No. 138/2012, more specifically Article 3 of the Annex to the Regulation on the Legal Qualification to Drive, whoever holds a category B driving license may drive vehicles of categories B and B1 , as well as categories AM and A1, although the latter with restrictions.

Driving license 2021
Reverse side of the new driving license template.

Those who have a category B driving license are entitled to drive the following vehicles:


Provided that the age of the driver is 25 years or more (or, if not, if he holds the AM category or a moped driving license) and that the motorcycle's cylinder capacity is not more than 125 cm3, the maximum power do not exceed 11 kW and the power-to-weight ratio does not exceed 0.1 kW/Kg.

It should be recalled that according to the changes promoted in Decree-Law No. 102-B/2020, described in article 107, motorcycles are now considered as “vehicles equipped with two wheels, with or without a side car, with propulsion engine with a cylinder capacity of more than 50 cm3 in the case of an internal combustion engine, or which, by construction, exceeds a speed of 45 km/h in stages or whose maximum power exceeds 4 kW”.


Provided that the driver's age is 25 years or more (or, failing that, if he holds an AM category or a moped driving license) and that the power does not exceed 15 kW.

According to Decree-Law No. 102-B/2020, “vehicles equipped with three symmetrically arranged wheels, which by construction, exceed a speed of 45 km/h in a plateau, or have a propulsion engine, are classified as tricycles. whose maximum power exceeds 4 kW, or has a displacement greater than 50 cm3 in the case of a positive-ignition engine, or 500 cm3 in the case of a compression-ignition engine”.

Two or Three Wheel Mopeds

If the engine does not have a displacement greater than 50 cm3, if it is an internal combustion engine, or whose maximum nominal power is not greater than 4 kW.

In the case of three-wheel mopeds, the maximum power cannot exceed 4 kW and the displacement cannot exceed 50 cm3 in the case of a positive-ignition engine, or 500 cm3 in the case of a compression-ignition engine.

The exception is motor cycles, with a positive ignition engine, with a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50 cm3, or with an internal combustion engine whose maximum net power does not exceed 4 kW, or whose maximum continuous nominal power does not exceed 4 kW , if the motor is electric.


Provided that the maximum unladen mass does not exceed 450 kg or 600 kg, as intended for the transport of passengers or goods, respectively. In the case of an electric quadricycle, the weight of the batteries is not included in these accounts, as described in Decree-Law No. 102-B/2020.

The Moto4, which so many questions usually raise, fall into this category, so they can be driven by qualified drivers with a driving license in categories B or B1.

light cars

Light vehicles are “motor vehicles with a maximum authorized mass not exceeding 3500 kg, designed and built to carry a maximum of eight passengers, excluding the driver”.

A trailer with a maximum authorized mass not exceeding 750 kg may also be coupled to these, provided that the maximum mass of the combination thus formed does not exceed 3500 kg.

Simple agricultural or forestry tractors

Category B driving license holders may also drive simple agricultural or forestry tractors or with mounted equipment provided that the maximum authorized mass of the set does not exceed 6000 kg, light agricultural or forestry machines, motor cultivators, tractor cars and light industrial machines.

However, as of August 2022, anyone who wants to be qualified to drive agricultural vehicles “must prove that they have successfully completed the training course COTS (Drive and operate a tractor safely) or the equivalent UFCD.

And motorhomes, can I drive?

Yes, as long as the gross weight does not exceed 4250 kg. According to Decree-Law No. 138/2012 mentioned above, more specifically thanks to point 2 of article 21, “the driving of vehicles with a maximum authorized mass greater than 3500 kg and up to 4250 kg may be carried out by license holders category B driver over 21 years old and with at least 3 years of driving license”.

However, there are two obligations to fulfill: these vehicles must be intended "exclusively for recreational purposes or to be used for social purposes pursued by non-commercial organizations" and cannot allow "the transport of more than nine passengers, including the driver , nor of goods of any nature other than those indispensable for the use assigned to them”.

Article updated on April 6, 2021, at 1:07 pm

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