End of combustion engines in 2035? Ferrari says it has no problems with this


Always associated with powerful (and “greedy”) combustion engines, especially its glorious V12s, Ferrari seems committed to embracing the transformation of the automotive industry towards electrification and the statements of its president and current CEO are proof of this. , John Elkann.

After announcing earnings of 386 million euros for the second quarter of 2021, John Elkann was asked about Ferrari's stance on the end of combustion engines in 2035 proposed by the European Commission.

If the question is anything but surprising, the same cannot be said about the answer given by Elkann, who quickly stated that, for Ferrari, the new regulation is… welcome! That's right, for John Elkann “The opportunities created by electrification, digitization and other technologies will allow us to make products even more distinct and exclusive”.

Ferrari F40, F50 and Enzo
After many years “dedicated” to octane, Ferrari seems to enjoy the “rise of electrons”.

With the first 100% electric Ferrari slated for 2025, this isn't the first time electrification seems to be seen with “good eyes” in the hosts of the cavallino rampante brand. A few months ago, Elkann recalled at a meeting with shareholders that electrification (in this case based on plug-in hybrids) was a “great opportunity to bring Ferrari's exclusivity and passion to new generations”.

All for the future

This stance in relation to the possible (and probable) ban on the sale of new cars with internal combustion engines in the European Union from 2035 ends up, in part, helping to understand the choice of Benedetto Vigna, the new CEO of Ferrari who will assume functions from next September 1st, an executive with no experience in the automotive world, but a veteran in the world of… electronics and technology.

Vigna was the leader of the largest division of STMicroelectronics and, according to Elkann, “his deep knowledge of the technologies driving many of the changes in the automotive industry and his proven innovation, ability to create business and leadership skills will further strengthen Ferrari ( …) in the exciting era ahead”.

Benedetto Vigna, the man who from 1 September will assume the role of CEO of Ferrari.

The company where Benedetto Vigna was president developed, for example, a miniaturized accelerometer for the Nintendo Wii (2006), as well as a miniaturized three-axis gyroscope that was debuted by Apple's iPhone 4 in 2010. Perhaps most relevant, among customers from STMicroelectronics, we can find Tesla.

Although his specialty is related more to semiconductors and chips — the patents on his name are in the hundreds — his knowledge in this area may prove fundamental for Ferrari to navigate to a good port in these turbulent waters of transformation through which the car industry passes.

One of its main tasks may be the establishment of partnerships between Ferrari and technology companies, all with the aim of helping the Italian brand in the transition to the “electric age” and also digital. The goal is to make Ferrari, considered a luxury brand, also a leader in the field of automotive technology.

Of these partnerships, John Elkann said, "We believe that within the automotive industry and, more importantly, outside our industry, we will benefit greatly from joint partnerships and programs."

Source: Reuters.

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