Electric car battery pack price has dropped 89% in ten years


Currently “main actors” whenever one talks about the future of the automobile industry, electric cars continue to have in the price of the lithium-ion battery pack an “Achilles' heel”, which are the most expensive component they use .

However, there seems to be good news on the horizon, with Bloomberg revealing that over the last decade the price of the Li-ion battery pack has been falling steadily, having dropped 89% in that time frame.

If ten years ago a lithium-ion battery pack for an electric car cost around US$1,110/kWh (around €904/kWh), today it is around US$137/kWh (around €112/kWh) .

BMW i3 batteries
The battery pack used by electric cars is becoming more and more affordable.

Downward trend should continue

With manufacturers aiming for the $100/kWh mark (81 €/kWh) as the one that will achieve cost parity between electric cars and vehicles with internal combustion engines, there are indicators that show that this target should not be far away.

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According to a survey carried out by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF), for the first time, batteries were sold for 100 dollars/kWh for Chinese electric buses. However, not only taking this into account, but also the systematic decrease in the price of the battery pack in the last decade, BNEF points out that in 2023 prices will be fixed at around 101 dollars/kWh (82 €/kWh).

According to Logan Goldie-Scot, director of BNEF, these data indicate that "Within four years, the main brands should be able to produce and sell electric vehicles at the same price and with the same margins as models with an internal combustion engine" .

Sources: Bloomberg; Fast Company, CarScoops, Observer.

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