From rims to catalysts. This is how they are stealing cars in Portugal


The images shared in this article were published with the vehicle owners' consent, ensuring their anonymity.

It's inevitable. One of the biggest fears of motorists is car theft. “Where is my car? Was stolen!". It is a latent threat, which does not choose makes or models, from SUVs to sports cars. No car is safe from the "friends of others".

According to the latest data from the authorities, this criminal activity is growing in our country. Not only the total theft of vehicles, but also the specific theft of parts and components, as evidenced by the news and constant user sharing on social networks.

Razão Automóvel contacted the Guarda Nacional Republicana and some victims of car theft in Portugal, to understand where, how and why they are stealing cars in our country.

Catalyst theft is on the rise. Why?

In the "target" of thieves are several components, but there is one that has stood out in recent times: the catalysts. Produced using rare metals especially valuable as rhodium, palladium or platinum, catalysts have long been a favorite component of car thieves. An increase that is directly related to the escalation in the price of these metals in the market.

Gold, silver and platinum are the best known metals, but rhodium is the most precious of them all. You may have never heard of this metal, but it is one of the metals you can find in your car's catalytic converter.

catalysts Portugal
According to the Territorial Command of the GNR of Setúbal, between January 1, 2021 and April 13, 2021 alone, 64 occurrences were registered.

In 2014 each ounce of rhodium (28.35 g) cost around 872 euros. Today the values ​​are totally different: each ounce of rhodium is worth more than 20,000 euros, in other words, more than 700 euros for every gram of this precious metal.

In contrast, palladium is worth 85 euros per gram ($2400 per ounce). Interestingly, five years ago, a gram of palladium cost 15 euros, five to six times less than its current value. Finally, platinum now costs 36 euros per gram ($970 per ounce).

Values ​​that, added together, mean that a stolen and dismantled catalyst on the «black market» can be worth more than 300 euros.

catalysts rims Portugal

The Portuguese case

To understand how this type of crime has developed in Portugal, we contacted the Guarda Nacional Republicana (GNR) and, unfortunately, the figures presented leave no room for doubt: the theft of catalysts is growing a little across the country.

Let's see: while throughout 2020 the GNR registered 103 occurrences of catalyst thefts, in 2021, and until May 1st alone, the number of registered occurrences already reached 221.

In other words, comparing with the homologous period of 2020 (January 1st to May 1st), in 2021 there was an increase of 2600% in the theft of catalysts.

As for the districts most affected by this type of crime, unsurprisingly, there are some of the most populous in the country, with special emphasis on Lisbon, Porto and Setúbal, with the latter leading the table — both in 2020 (32 occurrences) and in 2021 (82 occurrences until May 1st).

Catalyst Theft
District No. of occurrences in 2020 (total) Number of occurrences in 2021

(until May 1st)

Aveiro 10 8
beja 1 two
Braga two 6
Bragança 1 two
White Castle two 0
Coimbra 6 8
Évora two 7
Faro 9 16
Guard 0 1
Leiria 8 8
Lisbon 16 38
Portalegre 0 1
Harbor 6 20
Santarem 7 15
Setúbal 32 82
Viana do Castelo 0 1
Real Village 0 3
Viseu 1 3
Total 103 221

Source: Republican National Guard.

In the field of combating this type of crime, the GNR informed us that in 2020 it detained six people related to the theft of catalysts, and in 2021 (and at the date of our contact) it had already made five arrests, assuming to be "particularly attentive to this criminal phenomenon, which suffered an increase compared to the previous year”.

the modus operandi

The GNR explained to us how catalyst theft is carried out, with several methods for doing it. In the most common method, “suspects are placed under the vehicle and cut the catalyst using cutting equipment, such as an electric angle grinder”.

GNR Setúbal - Seizure

A jack and a chainsaw are enough to steal a catalyst.

Another mode of action involves the effective theft of the car, taking it to an isolated location where the catalyst is then removed. Finally, the GNR also mentions that occurrences were also reported in which the suspects entered warehouses with several parked vehicles to steal the catalytic converters.

Catalyst Theft
months Number of occurrences in 2020 Number of occurrences in 2021

(until May 1st)

January 1 30
February 1 32
March 1 65
April 5 89
May 6
June 3
July 4
August 4
September 10
October 17
November 30
December 21

Source: Republican National Guard.

other targets

Despite being the most valuable target, buffs aren't the only component stolen. Perhaps the component whose theft is most visible (and easy) are the vehicle's wheels, it is not uncommon to find cars on blocks, stones or even tripods, without the wheels.

Other very “sought-after” components are steering wheels, gearshift levers and also digital screens and instrument panels. In addition to these, there are also records of theft of headlights, batteries, dashboards, bumpers and even seats and doors.

Volkswagen Golf catalytic converters parts (autotheft)

Even older models don't seem to be safe.

According to data provided by the GNR, in 2020, 8035 incidents of theft in vehicles were recorded. Of these, 573 referred to the theft of rims and number plates. In 2021 (until May 1st) were registered 2010 occurrences , 193 involving theft of rims and number plates.

As for the performance of the security forces, in 2020 the GNR detained 37 people related to this type of crime and in 2021 it had already recorded eight arrests.

Theft of 'parts' cars is on the rise. Why?

The increase in theft of car components is on the rise. One of the justifications for this phenomenon is related to the improvement of the immobilization systems of the most modern cars.

In 2020, in an operation called “Drive In”, GNR dismantled an organized network of car theft. The estimated value of the material seized exceeded 500 thousand euros.

Without the possibility of starting the vehicle's engine, cars have been partially dismantled in parking spaces. Seats, steering wheels, doors, infotainment systems, wheels and even headlights.

Components that are easy to dismantle — with the right tools — and whose black market value is quite appetizing and the provenance difficult to detect.

What to do?

Unfortunately, there is not much that can be done to prevent this type of theft. However, there are some measures that can be taken to mitigate the risk of these happening. To start, whenever possible, park your car in a garage or private car park.

Honda Civic Catalysts Interior Theft
It doesn't look like it, but the car you're looking at is a Honda Civic. The interior has been completely dismantled.

In addition, it is also advisable not to leave the car parked in the same place for a long time and to avoid parking the car in more hidden or poorly lit places. The “old” alarm can also serve as a deterrent as, in the case of theft of rims, the installation of locknuts.

On the part of GNR, the advice is that, if anyone comes across a situation of theft of catalysts or parts, contact the authorities as soon as possible and that until their arrival, try to collect as many as possible. elements and information that could lead to the identification of suspects.

Source: Republican National Guard

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