Point driving license system not working. Why?


Between the GNR and the PSP, 670,149 cases of serious and very serious infractions were registered in the period between June 1, 2016 (date on which the system came into force) and January 11, 2018. Of these all, only 17,925 offenders saw points being deducted from your driving license — less than 3% of the total or one in 37 offenders.

The abysmal discrepancy in numbers is essentially related to procedural reasons, as Pedro Silva, spokesman for the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR) referred to Diário de Notícias.

The useful life of a road infraction proceeding is on average three years, between the appeal and the challenge of the decision through the courts.

PSP — stop operation

The numbers end up reflecting the length of the process. According to ANSR, during the last year and a half, effectively, only 24 driving licenses were withdrawn. By the end of 2017, only 107 drivers had lost all points (12 in total). About 5,454 motorists lost six points at once — exactly the same for an alcohol abuse offense equal to or greater than 1.2 g/l.

Driving under the influence of alcohol is one of the main administrative offenses for losing points, but not the only one. Crossing a continuous line, not stopping at red traffic lights, disregarding the prohibited sign and STOP, and using a mobile phone at the wheel, are among the most common.

What about speeding?

Despite being one of the most frequently practiced infractions, it is not the one that takes the most points: “[…] in fact, speeding is one of the most frequently practiced infractions but it is not the one that most contributes to the loss of points”, according to Pedro Silva.

The reason has to do with the fact that “since the security forces started to include a photograph of the car's license plate in the notifications sent to drivers caught speeding by ANSR's radars, it has become more difficult to complain about these fines”.

speed is needed

Also the president of the Portuguese Highway Prevention, José Miguel Trigoso, in statements to the DN points the finger at the slowness of the processes: “what is surprising is the very low number of offenders who lost points in a year and a half. The length of the processes is brutal”.

And he concludes: “One of the important things in the inspection system is the speed with which acts are dealt with and punishment is produced, otherwise the pressure effect is lost”.

Source: News Diary

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