As of today there is a new Single Automobile Document


As we warned you about a month ago, as of today the Documento Único Automóvel has changed. Instead of the paper document that folds into three parts, the “citizen card” of our cars becomes similar to a credit card (or our own Citizen Card).

The purpose of this change was not only to facilitate access to its content, but also to allow it to be easily carried in the wallet. Inserted in the Plano Justiça+Próxima, this change is defined by the Ministry of Justice as a Simplex+ measure.

The implementation of the measure is coordinated by the Institute of Registry and Notary (IRN), in collaboration with the Institute of Mobility and Transport (IMT), the National Mint Press (INCM) and the various traffic inspection bodies (GNR, PSP and ANSR).

How will it be applied?

As for the application of the new DUA that enters into force today, this will be gradual, and initially intended only for new registrations, and in 2020 it will then be applied to all registrations.

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When the measure was announced, we contacted the Ministry of Justice about the possible obligation to replace the current DUA with the new one, which confirmed that for those who have the old DUA (or even the registration booklet and title) the replacement is not mandatory. .

Single Automobile Document
The new DUA incorporates an optically readable element: the “UniQode” code.

Therefore, this change will take place under the same circumstances in which it occurred until now, that is, when the old registration and registration of ownership were transferred to the Documento Único Automóvel.

According to current forecasts, during the pilot project (which runs until December 31 of this year) around 200,000 new DUAs are expected to be issued. In 2018 alone, a total of 1 911 721 DUA were issued.

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