Portal das Contraordenações: if they have fines, they are here


The Portal das Contraordenações was presented this Thursday, May 7th, at Segurex, the International Salon that is taking place at FIL, in Lisbon and will facilitate access to the register of fines and administrative offenses, placing it within the reach of any citizen here . The Portal was presented during the International Exhibition of Protection and Security (SEGUREX) and allows more than a simple consultation: citizens can now send documents through the Portal das Contraordenações directly to ANSR (National Road Safety Authority).

To access your registration, simply follow this link and register on the Portal das Contraordenações, you will receive the access password at home, as with other online portals in the State. They can also download the program to their computer and access it with the Citizen's Card number and code.

Speaking to the Observer, João Almeida, Secretary of State for Internal Administration stated that “this Portal serves as a measure of transparency towards the citizen”. The Portal das Contraordenações will be essential for the point-based driving license.

We remind you that according to the proposal that will be discussed in the Assembly of the Republic in the next two weeks, drivers will have 12 starting points and a clean registration for a certain period can confer more points, up to a maximum of 15.

Image: ANSR

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