National Epidemic: The Azelhas in the middle range


It is said that the Portuguese electorate tends to be center-left. I don't know if it's out of political conviction, but this preference seems to extend to driving as well. Portuguese roads are littered with motorists who simply ignore the right lane. Will it be politically complex? “Oh, what a horror, but what a “fascist” track”.

There are thousands of kilometers of almost virgin asphalt, right next door, ignored by the overwhelming majority of drivers. If we wanted to continue in the political field, we could argue that the construction of the third lane is a shameful example of public spending. Millions of euros thrown in the trash that nobody – or almost nobody… – enjoys.

Drivers of this type are a national epidemic, so I challenge you to share this article

A8 Leiria
A8 Leiria

But as the damage has already been done, we could make a public petition – very much in vogue… – and propose to the Assembly of the Republic that the right lanes be turned into cycle lanes. Lisbon-Porto by pedal bicycle, who is it?

It was beautiful, wasn't it? Not really. The lane on the right is missing, we really miss it. And this plague of drivers who deliberately drive only in the central block – sorry, central lane! – must understand this for the sake of everyone's safety. Funny how even political commentators appeal to the central bloc for the country's stability and security. Once again, politics and road safety have crossed paths.

Or is driving in the middle lane fashionable?

If it's not looks like. There they go, slowly, proud, as if nothing were going on, with another lane on the right completely free. I'm not even one to name things, I give them a name. In the absence of a better name, I call them the "middle band blue".

How many of us have had to move out of the right lane, go into the middle lane and finally move to the left lane, just to consummate a pass? All. And all because there are some individuals who for some reason (I don't know which one) think that the other tracks are «lava». Remember when we were kids? “The ground is lava, whoever steps on the lava dies”. It seems they do the same on the road, with the difference that the road is not a place for games.

These types of drivers are a national epidemic, so I challenge you to share this article. It may be that we can convert some to the wonder that is to circulate rested in the right lane without having to control the traffic through the mirrors. I want to believe that all motorists know the Highway Code, but in case you don't, here is an excerpt from the diploma where the «arm of the law» contributes to our noble cause (click on the image to access the full version of the Highway Code):

Article 13 Highway Code - Walking position
Article 13 Highway Code – Walking position

I hope with this text, humbly contribute to the coexistence and social peace of all individuals who make up the rolling society. Another chapter of my journey, where I try to evangelize national drivers for good driving practices. So me, who is not even an example. But the popular adage already said: “Fr. Tomás preaches well, do what he says, don't do what he does…”.

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