Automobile Reason on YouTube. We want you to know something...


last night was fantastic . Your receptivity to our trailer has exceeded our best expectations. But as we wrote earlier, we embraced this challenge under two important principles (among others):

  1. Humility. "We are car experts, we are not video experts." The first videos of this season were intensely learning and still do not reflect, from a content point of view, everything we want for our channel. We know we still have a long way to go.
  2. Quality. Regardless of the end result, we are doing our best. Our YouTube channel still doesn't have the size or scope of our website — where we have more than 300,000 unique monthly users — so it's a work in progress. We are happy with the result of this 1st season, and we will use everything we learned to apply in 2nd season. #nonstop

We want our YouTube channel to be a mirror of the quality we've achieved in other media, it's a mission that will take time. We are ready.

Praise and Comparisons

“You are the Portuguese Top Gear”, “At the level of channels with millions of views”, “You seem like The National Grand Tour”.

Automobile Reason on YouTube. We want you to know something... 5217_1

Of course we are flattered by your words, but the reality is always more complex...

We are still a small channel — and only time will tell if we will ever be big. We are convinced that yes, but we still have to give all the proof. The same ones that we have surpassed in other formats and that we know how difficult they were.

Today we are a 100% professional team, with our own writing and resources, but just 5 years ago this was the scenario. Even so, we decided to take a risk, which is more difficult when you have something to lose…

To the frenetic pace of work that we had before (texts, presentations, social media, photography, varied appointments), we now add YouTube. Goodbye social life…

our goal

That said, our goal is not to be The Portuguese Grand Tour. For two reasons:

  1. Reality. Our budget couldn't even record a minute of The Grand Tour. There are hundreds of millions of euros and more than 30 years of experience against… good will?!
  2. We are the Automobile Reason. Our goal on YouTube — we've said it several times already... — is to be what we've always been through this website and our social media. We want to be the Automobile Reason on YouTube, no more and no less than anyone else. What is already a respectable undertaking…

We hope that despite all the limitations — that as the channel grows and our experience will tend to disappear — we can still count on you.

Speaking of “counting on you”, have you already subscribed to the channel? Just follow this link.

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