Can you start in second gear? It depends…


When you took the letter they taught you that to boot is always first speed . But is it really like that, or can you also start in second gear without risking an astronomical account in the workshop?

Let's do it by steps. If we can start in second, yes, we can, but it will depend on the type of transmission that your car is equipped with, or if you are standing on a slope.


If you have an automatic transmission car there is no big problem, in fact, there are brands that equip their models with modes for slippery floor situations in which the start is made in second order.

All this because this type of gearbox does not use a clutch, but a torque converter that uses a hydraulic fluid to deal with speed differences between the flywheel and the transmission.

So you can start second in these cars (you'll have to put it in manual mode) as you don't have to worry about wasting your clutch, and the worst thing that can happen is the fluid overheating.

And manual cars?

In manual cars, whenever you start, the clutch, through friction, has to support the speed differential between the flywheel and the wheels (via transmission), until the speed of both parts are equivalent.

Even starting first, there will always be some friction and consequent wear on the clutch (clutch slipping). But starting at second speed further increases wear as we extend the friction time period.

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However, don't panic thinking that you've already “burned” the clutch when starting in second. Despite being inadvisable, she is prepared to withstand these efforts, however the less you try, the longer it will last.

And what about double-clutch gearboxes?

If your car has a dual-clutch gearbox the advice regarding the manual gearbox also applies to you. Although it has a system with two clutches and even some variants use oil to help reduce friction, the ideal is to always start first in order to avoid excessive wear on one of the clutches.

When can I boot second?

With a manual gearbox, you can start in second gear when going downhill, taking advantage of the inclination, or better yet, gravity, to guarantee the rotation of the wheels and, consequently, the transmission, avoiding the over-stress of the clutch.

On slippery surfaces, such as snow, to prevent wheel slippage, we can also use second gear, as the torque transmitted to the wheels will be lower than in first gear. However, it is preferable, also in this scenario, to resort to first gear — whose purpose is really to put the car in motion — managing the load on the accelerator with a little more sensitivity on the right foot.

Source: Engineering Explained

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