What are the sales leaders by segment in Europe?


In a market practically recovered from the crisis, JATO Dynamics, recognized provider of data related to the automotive sector, has just released the figures for the first half of 2018, marked by the growth trend that has been the focus of the last year.

According to these same data, the world automobile market grew, in the total of 57 markets analyzed, 3.6% more, compared to the same period of 2017. Totaling, in the first six months of 2018 alone, more than 44 million vehicles traded.

This rise is explained not only by the good economic environment in the American market, where a total of 8.62 million cars were sold, but also by the improvement in the different economic indicators in Europe. Which, defends JATO, resulted in the absorption of more than 9.7 million vehicles, in the 29th European Union.

JATO world market half 2018
After more than 42 million units made in the first half of 2017, the world car market ends the first six months of 2018 with a 3.6% increase

Still, as the most important market for car manufacturers, China remains. Where, in the first half of this year alone, more than 12.2 million cars were sold — impressive…

The industry leaders

Speaking specifically of Europe, I emphasize not only the rise in numbers, but also the dominance that has been exercised by some models. As is the case with the Renault Clio, the Nissan Qashqai, or even the Mercedes-Benz E-Class and the Porsche 911, proposals that nowadays not only lead, but even dominate their respective segments at will. .

Or is it not?…

Porsche 911 GT3
The undisputed leader among sports cars, the Porsche 911 sold 50% more in the first half of 2018 than any other sports car.

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