Car inspections. Tighter rules are coming


The decision results from deliberation n.º 723/2020 of the Board of Directors of the IMT and means that from November 1st, the rules for car inspections will be tightened.

According to a statement released by the IMT, "the classification framework of deficiencies in technical inspections of vehicles has been changed" and aims to meet the directive 2014/45/EU, which aims to harmonize checks carried out in the European Union. inspections and how the degree of deficiency is attributed to the problems found.

Thus, according to the IMT, it will be possible “mutual recognition of inspections carried out in different countries”.

But after all what changes?

To start with, two new types of disabilities were introduced. One refers to changing the number of kilometers between inspections and the other is aimed at controlling recall operations related to safety or environmental protection issues (ie, verifying whether the model was the target of this recall).

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In order for you to better understand these two new types of disability, we leave you here what the IMT says:

  • Control of changing the number of kilometers between inspections in order to prevent any fraud in the manipulation of odometers in the acts of used vehicle transactions. That is, this information will be noted on the inspection form, which will remain mandatory information in subsequent inspections.
  • Control of the necessary recall operations when safety issues and aspects relating to the protection of the environment are involved.

As for the remaining changes, we leave you the list here:

  • Breakdown of all deficiencies detected, detailing their definition so that they are comparable between inspections carried out by different inspectors and so that they are easily understood by the owners of the inspected vehicles;
  • Introduction of specific attachment for deficiencies related to hybrid and electric vehicles;
  • Introduction of specific deficiencies of vehicles for transporting children and transporting the disabled;
  • Introduction of deficiencies related to EPS (Electronic Power Steering), EBS (Electronic Braking System) and ESC (Electronic Stability Control) systems;
  • Definition of new maximum opacity values ​​in accordance with the Directive.

If these changes will translate into a greater number of leads in vehicle inspections, only time will tell. However, most likely they will help with the famous mileage tampering scams.

And you, what do you think of these new measures? Leave us your opinion in the comments.

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