Kids show how to reuse rainwater for windshield wipers


Although the average value per driver can be considered, at the outset, negligible, the truth is that 20 liters, multiplied by millions and millions of drivers around the world, to fill the deposits of your car's windshield wiper systems, results in a figure little less than frightening.

Solutions to some problems can come from the most unlikely places. The idea of ​​two German children, aged 11 and 9, were the only ones to remember the obvious: why not take advantage of rainwater? North American Ford did not take long to understand and embrace this idea.

Secret is in the capture

The solution, now presented by the oval brand, which is already being tested, installed in a familiar S-Max, basically involves placing a rainwater collection system in the vehicle.

As for the collection itself, it is made from the water that flows through the windshield, which is channeled to rubber tubes, with inlets at the base of the windshield wipers, which supplies the said tank.

“We couldn't even believe that no one had ever thought of such a simple idea,” he says, alongside his 11-year-old brother Daniel, 9-year-old Lara Krohn. Recalling that, “we decided to start by trying out the solution using the water pull engine of our toy fire truck, in another car, which we placed inside an aquarium, to simulate a rainy environment. At the same time, we added a filter to the system, as a way to ensure that the water is clean, and in the end, everything worked for the best”.

“Daniel and Lara's idea solves a problem that has been around for decades”

Confirmation of the success of the experiment is expressed in the video released by Ford, which reveals how the two young “scientists” ended up calling the attention of Ford engineers, by winning a science competition.

Daniel and Lara's idea has been solving a problem that has been affecting drivers around the world for decades; and it only took a simple moment of ingenuity to put it into practice, since, in less than five minutes of rain, the tank is completely full

Theo Geuecke, Ford Europe head of exterior bodywork equipment
Ford Rain Water Collection 2018

A model of a Focus RS placed in an aquarium, which was used to test the system.

Water costs will continue to rise, says Ford

Justifying the commitment to this type of solutions are also Ford's own predictions that the amount of water used by vehicles will continue to increase, as there are more and more cameras and sensors that have to be constantly cleaned while driving. .

Faced with this situation, the oval brand announces that it will continue to work on a series of new methods of collecting water, including the use of condensation.

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