Will this vacation take a car? Then this article is for you


With the rise in temperature, the care to be taken with the car also increases, especially for those preparing for a long journey on the road. So today we share some essential tips to make sure nothing goes wrong on your summer vacation.

1. Organization

Make a list of everything you will need to take with you. It will help ensure that you are not already a few hundred kilometers away when you remember that your wallet, car documents or cell phone were left at home. Don't forget an extra set of vehicle keys, driving license, important information about your insurance and a list of useful phone numbers in case of an emergency.

2. Is the car in condition for the trip?

Who has never heard the expression “better safe than sorry”? Of course, it is convenient to prepare him properly for what is to come. A week before the trip, you must properly inspect the car, from the tire pressure — or even its replacement —; at the water and oil level; brakes; passing through the “sofagem” and air conditioning (you'll need it). If maintenance is scheduled soon, it might not be a bad idea to anticipate it.

3. Plan route

Plan your route — whether with an old paper map or the latest navigation system — and consider other alternatives. The shortest path is not always the fastest. It is also recommended to tune the radio for traffic alerts to avoid queues.

4. Stock up

Having something to drink or eat, in case the trip takes longer than scheduled, can be helpful. A service station or roadside cafe may not always be available.

5. Breaks

Taking a break of 10, 15 minutes after two hours of driving is recommended. Getting out of the car, stretching your body to unwind, or even stopping for a drink or a coffee, will leave you in better condition for the next “shift” of driving.

Discover your next car

6. Is everything ready?

By this time you should have already defined the route and chosen the company (perhaps the most important) for your vacation, but before leaving, don't forget to properly pack all your luggage - believe that in case of sudden braking you will give us reason.

All that's left is to choose a summer playlist where you can't miss that special song and voila. It remains for us to wish you a happy holiday!

Other tips

Air conditioning or open windows? This is a pertinent question that often creates confusion. At less than 60 km/h, the ideal is to open the windows, but above that speed experts recommend the use of air conditioning. Why? It has everything to do with aerodynamics: the higher the vehicle speed, the greater the air resistance, so with the windows open at high speeds, it forces the engine to work harder and consequently leads to increased consumption. Why 60 km/h? Because it is at this speed that the aerodynamic resistance starts to be greater than the rolling resistance (tyres).

Leave the car in the sun? As a general rule, you should always park your car in the shade — for obvious reasons — even if it means paying a few more pennies in the car park. If this is not possible and the car must be exposed to ultraviolet rays for long periods of time, it is recommended to use cardboard or aluminum protections (preferably) for the windshield, films on the side windows and covers for the banks. There are also specific products to be applied to plastics and leather materials so as not to dry out.

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