Speed ​​cameras for bicycles? There is already in Spain


At a time when pop-up cycle lanes are a source of discussion here, in Spain the first… speed cameras for bicycles have already appeared!

It is true, after having received several complaints about the high speed at which cyclists circulated on the paths present in the adjacent hills, the locality of Boadilla del Monte decided to take measures.

So, since June, in that locality near Madrid, the authorities have been using a mobile radar to check the excessive speed practiced by cyclists.

The measure was announced on Twitter by the local police and, in the publication, it is recalled that the speed limit on those roads is 20 km/h and that pedestrians have priority.

How much is the fine?

According to the newspaper El Español, the amount of the fine is not clear. However, in a case that occurred in Valencia in which a cyclist was traveling at 59 km/h in an area where the limit was 50 km/h, the amount of the fine was 100 euros without losing points on his driving license.

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Given this background, the newspaper speculates that this may be the amount of the fine. However, it must be borne in mind that in this case, excess speed is practiced on a path and not on a road, so doubts remain regarding the amount to be paid by those caught by these speed cameras for bicycles.

In reaction to this measure, a cyclist quoted by El Español says: “reaching 20 km/h by bike is very easy and the hills are extensive. I don't see why I can't walk a little faster without putting pedestrians at risk, as they usually don't walk where we walk.”

And you, do you think that identical measures should be implemented in Portugal or do we already have too many speed cameras? Leave us your opinion in the comments.

Sources: El Español and Observador.

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