Cold Start. Portuguese among the biggest aceleras in Europe… and not only


Entitled “Global Driving Safety Survey”, the Liberty Seguros study took into account the responses of 5004 Europeans and 3006 North Americans, reaching the conclusion that Portugal is among the European countries with more risky behavior when driving.

With regard to mobile phone distractions, according to the study, the Portuguese (50%) are only behind the Spanish (56%) and far from countries like France (27%), Ireland (25%) or England ( 18%).

With regard to driving at excess speed (in situations of delay), Americans are among the most studied drivers (51% admit to doing so), followed by the French (44%) and the Portuguese and Irish ( 42%).

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Still talking about speeding, in general, 81% of Portuguese drivers surveyed in this study admitted driving above the established limits, and the main reason given by the Portuguese for the delays that lead them to drive above the speed limits is the unexpected traffic.

About the “Cold Start”. From Monday to Friday at Razão Automóvel, there is a “Cold Start” at 8:30 am. While you drink your coffee or gather the courage to start the day, keep up to date with interesting facts, historical facts and relevant videos from the automotive world. All in less than 200 words.

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