This is Ford's solution to potholes in the road


Ford is testing new prototypes at the test circuit in Lommel, Belgium, using replicas of every kind of pothole you can find on the road.

With the harsh winter that is felt in some parts of Europe, ice, snow and rain aggravate the condition of the surface and can turn holes into real traps. It was with this in mind that Ford started the development of a map, created in crowdsourcing, which will show drivers, on the dashboard and in real time, where the potholes are, their danger and a suggestion of alternative routes.

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“The virtual map can signal a new pothole the moment it appears and almost immediately warn other drivers of what awaits them on the road ahead. Our cars already incorporate sensors that detect potholes in the road and now we want to take this technology to the next level.”

Uwe Hoffmann, Ford of Europe engineer

In-vehicle cameras and built-in modems gather information about potholes and transmit it to the “cloud” in real time, where it is available to other drivers. At the same time, an active suspension system designed to reduce the severity of bumps and bad floors is being developed. According to the brand, together these technologies will save up to 500 euros in repairs.


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