MEPs want 30 km/h limit and zero tolerance for alcohol


The European Parliament has just proposed a speed limit of 30 km/h in residential areas and with many cyclists in the European Union (EU), safer roads and zero tolerance for driving under the influence of alcohol.

In a report approved — on October 6 — at a plenary session held in Strasbourg (France), with 615 votes in favor and only 24 against (there were 48 abstentions), MEPs issued recommendations aimed at increasing road safety in the EU and achieving the goal of zero road fatalities in community space by 2050.

"The goal of halving the number of road deaths between 2010 and 2020 has not been met", laments the European assembly, which proposes measures so that the outcome for this target outlined by 2050 is different.


The number of fatalities on European roads has decreased by 36% in the last decade, below the 50% target set by the EU. Only Greece (54%) exceeded the target, followed by Croatia (44%), Spain (44%), Portugal (43%), Italy (42%) and Slovenia (42%), according to data released in April.

In 2020, the safest roads continued to be Sweden's (18 fatalities per million inhabitants), while Romania (85/million) had the highest rate of road deaths. The EU average was 42/million in 2020, with Portugal being above the European average, with 52/million.

30 km/h speed limit

One of the main focuses is related to speeding in residential areas and with a high number of cyclists and pedestrians, a factor that, according to the report, is “responsible” for about 30% of fatal road accidents.

As such, and to reduce this percentage, the European Parliament asks the European Commission to present a recommendation to EU Member States to apply safe speed limits for all types of road, “such as a maximum speed of 30 km/ h in residential areas and areas with a high number of cyclists and pedestrians”.

alcohol rate

Zero tolerance for alcohol

MEPs are also calling on the European Commission to review the recommendations on maximum blood alcohol levels. The objective is to include in the recommendations a “framework that foresees zero tolerance regarding the limits for driving under the influence of alcohol”.

It is estimated that alcohol causes about 25% of the total number of fatal victims of road accidents.

safer vehicles

The European Parliament also calls for the introduction of a requirement to equip drivers' mobile and electronic devices with a “safe driving mode” to reduce distractions while driving.

The European assembly also proposes that Member States provide for tax incentives and that private insurers offer attractive car insurance schemes for the purchase and use of vehicles with the highest safety standards.

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