California Introduces Digital Number Plates


Approved only for the US state of California, this new digital number plate it is the implementation of a measure announced five years ago by Governor Jerry Brown, and at the moment and according to data advanced by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), there are already 116 vehicles equipped with this technology.

According to the daily Sacramento Bee, this new solution allows drivers to register their vehicles annually by electronic means, instead of having to physically travel to the DMV. Since, because they come equipped with a chip, batteries and wireless connection, these number plates will even be able to display personal messages — provided, of course, the legislation allows it.

Produced by a single duly authorized company, Reviver Auto, the digital number plates will now have to go through a testing period, which will only end in July 2020. At which time, according to the same publication, “they will be identified and pointed out the potential benefits” of the technology and making a final decision.

For now authorized only in the rear (at the front, drivers will have to keep the traditional solution), perhaps the biggest drawback is even its price: $699, about 598 euros , plus the monthly payment of around 7 dollars (6 euros).

On the other hand, on the table are also concerns about cyber-security and possible hacker attacks, as the license plate is permanently connected. Something that might please fleet managers, as a result of the possibility of knowing, at all times, the location of the vehicle, but perhaps not so much for individuals, certainly much less pleased with such an idea.

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