eVMP. Groupe PSA's new tram platform


The promise is made by Groupe PSA itself: between 2020 and 2025 the goal is to gradually move from two multi-energy platforms — the current CMP and EMP2 — to two 100% electrified. the platform eVMP — Electric Vehicle Modular Platform — is precisely one of them.

With the first model based on the eVMP platform scheduled for 2023, we learn that this is intended for models in the C and D segment. Despite being a platform for 100% electric models, from which several electric models will come out, according to the Groupe PSA statement, in some markets, may, however, have hybrid variants.

According to Groupe PSA, the eVMP will serve to create everything from SUVs to sedans and allows for considerable optimization of development and industrialization costs.

What do we already know?

With a storage capacity of 50 kWh per meter between the axles, the eVMP platform will receive batteries between 60-100 kWh of capacity and its architecture has been optimized in order to use the entire floor to house the batteries.

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According to Groupe PSA, models using this platform must have a range between 400 and 650 km (WLTP cycle) depending on its dimensions.

This global platform will allow us to offer a range of vehicles that respect the environment, respond to changes in our customers' expectations and guarantee driving pleasure and safety, values ​​that are the basis of the Group's reputation.

Nicolas Morel, Director of Research and Development at Groupe PSA

Having revealed these plans, it remains to be seen how much longer Groupe PSA will keep its current multi-energy platforms in production, capable of offering models with an internal combustion engine.

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