Cold Start. Pedestrian airfare is not for U-turn


The scene took place in China, in the Xinjiang region in April, when the driver of this Suzuki Jimmy (from the previous generation) was caught climbing a pedestrian air ticket. Why? Having missed his exit on the highway, he decided to make a U-turn… at the first place he found.

The South China Morning Post reports that the driver said his mind “went blank”, not knowing how he ended up up there. Even before descending from his high position, the police were already taking care of the incident, fining the driver 200 yuan (26 euros) and deducting points from the card.

Very good for Jimny's renowned climbing skills, but definitely and obviously not the best place to demonstrate them. The pedestrian airfare is not the place to make U-turns.

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Furthermore, according to the newspaper, the weight limit for this structure was 1000 kg, roughly the weight of the little Jimny. An “acrobatics” that could have ended very badly.

Unusual, even fun (thankfully, without consequences), but… no!

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