C1 Academy. 2nd edition has new dates and will offer an all-paid season


With the revelation of the deconfinement plan, the second edition of the C1 Academy Razão Automóvel revealed the new dates for funding.

Organized by MotorSponsor, promoter of the C1 Learn & Drive Trophy, the C1 Academy Razão Automóvel will be held on the weekend of April 10th and 11th.

On April 10th, the races will take place at the karting tracks in Batalha, Castelo Branco and Palmela. On the 11th of April, the races will take place at karting tracks in the Algarve, Évora, Braga and Cabo do Mundo. As for inscriptions, they cost 65 euros and just click on the button below to register:


C1 Academy Car Ledger
All C1 Academy Razão Automóvel events will comply with current health regulations.

How do fundraising work?

In total, there are 40 spots per kart track (half compared to those available in 2020) and the qualification will consist of timed training sessions lasting five minutes and two 10-minute races.

As happened last year, the lighter riders have to carry weight until they reach 80 kg and, in the second race of the program, the first placed exchanges karts with the last, the second with the penultimate and so on across the grid .

Two finalists will be selected from each of the karting tracks, a total of 14. As for the final, this is scheduled for April 17 at the Braga circuit.

In this the finalists will have to overcome physical, theoretical and communication tests. Each of them counts 25%, and whoever has the best global rating will be the winner of the C1 Academy Razão Automóvel.

The prize? Be part of Razão Automóvel's team and compete totally for free in a season of the C1 Trophy, which this year will have three events:

  • April 24th — 6 hours from Braga
  • August 28 — 6 hours from the Algarve
  • November 13 — 6 x 1 am from Braga

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