The engine that lasted exactly 24 hours


24 Hours of Le Mans. One of the most demanding tests in the world. Men and machines are pushed to the limit, lap after lap, kilometer after kilometer. In an unbridled rush, on and off the track, which only ends when the chronometer – without any hurry – marks 24 hours.

A requirement that was clearly evident in this 85th edition of the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Only two cars from the top category (LMP1) crossed the finish line.

The rest left the race due to mechanical problems. An uncomfortable situation for the organization of the race, which is already starting to hear dissenting voices regarding the path (and complexity) that the cars are taking.

Last year, 23:56 minutes of evidence had elapsed – or in other words, there were less than 4 minutes to go – when Le Mans decided to claim another victim.

The engine of the Toyota TS050 #5, which was leading the race, fell silent in the middle of the finish line. In Toyota boxing, nobody wanted to believe what was happening. Le Mans is relentless.

Remember the moment in this video:

For just 3:30 minutes, victory eluded Toyota. A dramatic moment that will forever be etched in the memory of all racing fans.

But the race lasts 24 hours (twenty-four hours!)

Did you read well? 24 hours. Neither more nor less. The 24 Hours of Le Mans only ends when the man carrying the checkered flag vigorously signals the end of this "torture" for men and machines.

A torture that many are subjected to just for the taste of glory. A reason that stands by itself, don't you think?

We've finally arrived at the story I want to share with you. In 1983, it wasn't just the chronometer that was aware of the passage of time. The engine of the Porsche 956 #3 piloted by Hurley Haywood, Al Holbert and Vern Schuppan was too.

Porsche 956-003 that won Le Mans (1983).
Porsche 956-003 that won Le Mans (1983).

Do cars also have a soul?

Valentino Rossi, a living motorcycle legend still in action – and for many the best rider of all time (for me too) – believes that motorcycles have a soul.

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Before the start of each Grand Prix, Valentino Rossi always talks to his motorcycle.

A motorcycle is not just metal. I think motorcycles have a soul, it's too beautiful an object not to have a soul.

Valentino Rossi, 9x World Champion

I don't know if cars also have souls or if they are mere inanimate objects. But if cars really have soul, the Porsche 956 #3 that received the checkered flag with Vern Schuppan at the wheel is one of them.

Like an athlete who, in his last breath, is carried to the finish line, more by iron will than by the strength of muscles that have long since given in, the Porsche 956 #3 also seems to have made an effort to get the cylinders of its flat-six engine. just stop knocking after the mission he was born for was complete. Win.

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As soon as the Porsche 956 passed the checkered flag, the blue smoke that came out of the exhaust signaled its end (highlighted image).

You can watch that moment in this video (minute 2:22). But if I were you to watch the full video, it's worth it:

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