Parking fines. How much do they cost and how to dispute them?


After talking to you about EMEL fines some time ago, we come back to the topic of parking fines to dispel any doubts that may still exist about these administrative infractions.

As you know, these fines occur whenever the parking bans provided for in articles 48 to 52, 70 and 71 of the Highway Code are disrespected and can cost a lot of money and points on a driver's license.

In the next lines, we show you not only the types of parking fines, but also the values ​​of the fines, how many points on your driving license they can “cost you” and also how and even when you can challenge them.

Herringbone parking

The types of fines

In total, there are seven types of parking fines, only two of which can lead to loss of driving license points and driving disqualifications: a fine for parking in places reserved for the disabled and the fine for parking at a crosswalk.

In the case of the first, the Highway Code is very clear: it is forbidden to park in places identified as reserved parking for people with disabilities that restrict mobility. Whoever does this incurs a fine between 60 and 300 euros , at the loss of two points in the letter and in the accessory sanction of disqualification from driving from 1 to 12 months.

In the case of parking fines at a crosswalk, this applies whenever the driver parks or stops less than 5 meters before a marked crossing for pedestrian crossing. As for the sanctions, these are exactly the same: fine from 60 to 300 euros, loss of two points on the license and disqualification from driving for 1 to 12 months.

Parking for the Handicapped-Elderly-Pregnant
Improper parking in places intended for people with disabilities can cost two points on the license and lead to a disqualification from driving.

Fines that do not cost points but lead to a fine between 60 and 300 euros are as follows:

  • Parking on the sidewalk, preventing the passage of pedestrians;
  • Parking in places reserved for certain types of vehicles by means of signage;
  • Parking that restricts access: it is prohibited to park in places where people or vehicles have access to garages, parks, parking spaces or properties;
  • Parking outside of localities: it is prohibited to stop or park in the carriageway, less than 50 meters to either side of intersections, curves, roundabouts, junctions, or bumps with reduced visibility. If this happens at night, the fine rises to between 250 and 1250 euros.

Finally, there are other parking fines whose fine ranges from 30 to 150 euros.

how to contest

In total, drivers have 15 working days to dispute a parking ticket. If the notification is sent by post, the period starts one day (if received by yourself) or three days (if received by another) after the signature of the registered letter notice.

If it is a simple letter, the counting starts five days after the letter arrives in the mailbox, with the date to be indicated by the postman on the envelope.

To respond, the driver must pay the fine as a deposit within 48 hours and send a letter addressed to the National Road Safety Authority. If the driver is right or if the response does not arrive within two years, a refund request can be made.

What if I don't pay?

If the fine is not paid, the consequences depend on the type of administrative offense and can range from increasing the amount of the fine to the effective seizure of the driving license or vehicle, including the provisional seizure of the driving license or the Single Automobile Document (TWO).

Source: ACP.

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