Speeding fine. And now?


It is known that speeding is one of the main causes of road accidents in our country — even though the unbelievable state of some roads and poor signage are recurrent on national roads.

By endangering your safety and that of others, speeding fines can reach 2500 euros . Two reasons more than enough to pay attention to the weight on the right pedal and moderate the speed according to the road we travel. Here's everything you need to know about speeding tickets:

WHAT IS THE VALUE OF THE FINE FOR EXCESSIVE SPEED? According to article 27 of the Highway Code, speeding fines can vary from 60 to 2500 euros, depending on the type of road, vehicle and limit exceeded.

speeding fine

Can I appeal the fine?

To appeal a speeding fine, you must prepare a defense letter within 15 working days following the notification of the fine, but it is not enough to claim, it is necessary to prove your innocence. If you are given a reason by the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR), you will be entitled to a refund of the deposited money.

Can the fine prescribe?

According to article 188 of the Highway Code, fines expire after two years from the date of the infraction.

Cars and motorcycles:

  • If you exceed the limit of up to 20 km/h in localities or 30 km/h outside of localities (light infraction): 60 to 300 euros fine;
  • If you exceed the limit of 21 km/h to 40 km/h within towns or from 31 km/h and up to 60 km/h outside towns (serious infringement, disqualification from driving for one month to one year): 120 to 600 euros traffic ticket;
  • If you exceed the limit of 41 km/h to 60 km/h in localities or 61 km/h and up to 80 km/h outside localities (very serious infringement, disqualification from driving for two months to two years): 300 to 1500 euros traffic ticket;
  • If you exceed the limit of 60 km/h in localities or more than 80 km/h outside localities (very serious infringement, disqualification from driving for two months to two years): 500 to 2500 euros fine.

Other vehicles (heavy, agricultural, etc.):

  • If you exceed the limit up to 10 km/h, inside the localities or up to 20 km/h outside the localities (light infraction): 60 to 300 euros fine;
  • If you exceed the limit of 11 km/h and up to 20 km/h inside towns or 21 km/h and up to 40 km/h outside towns (serious infringement, disqualification from driving for one month to one year): 120 to 600 euros of fine;
  • If you exceed the limit of 21 km/h and up to 40 km/h inside the localities or 41 km/h and up to 60 km/h outside the localities (very serious infringement, disqualification from driving for two months to two years): 300 to 1500 fine euros;
  • If you exceed the limit of 41 km/h inside towns or 61 km/h outside towns (very serious infringement, disqualification from driving for two months to two years): 500 to 2500 euros fine.

Without prejudice to the specific limits imposed on each lane, these are the general speed limits:

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