Electric sales rise 63%. It's China's fault...


At a time when the Chinese government promises restrictions on the production and sale of cars with combustion engines, at practically the same speed as it announces support for non-polluting vehicles, sales of electric cars worldwide are growing strongly.

In the first three quarters of 2017 alone, 63% more plug-in electrics and hybrids were sold than in the same period of 2016 — blame, of course, on what is already the world's largest market, China.

China Trams

According to data gathered by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) and cited by Automotive News Europe, in the period between the beginning of January and the end of September alone, a total of 287 thousand electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles were sold. With, only the third quarter, ending with an increase of 23% compared to the previous one.

Electric in China, yes; but only with state support

Moreover, and according to the same study, China alone accounted for more than half of these sales made worldwide. With Europe finishing just behind as the second largest market. Although he blames, also here, the various support given by many governments to the acquisition of electric cars.

“The Chinese government is very determined to advance the sale of electric cars. One of the reasons for this is the level of pollution in large Chinese cities, while the second has to do with the possibility that Chinese manufacturers have an opportunity here to design products capable of competing in international markets."

Aleksandra O’Donovan, transport analyst at BNEF and one of the authors of the study

Incidentally, it is important to remember that the growth in demand for electric vehicles in China is also largely a result of state support given by the government to the acquisition of this type of vehicle. Supports that, recalls O’Donovan: "may even reach 40% of the value of the car, compared to what models with internal combustion engines cost".

China Trams

Expectations point to one million in 2017

According to BNEF data, expectations are that sales of electric vehicles may even exceed, for the first time in history, the million units traded, still in 2017. Thanks also to the speed at which the market for this type of vehicle starts to gain, as a result not only of the growth of the charging infrastructure, but also of the increase in the autonomy of the models themselves.

Moreover, while manufacturers such as the Volkswagen group, Daimler, Jaguar Land Rover and Volvo announce a clear commitment to electrifying their range, several countries are already starting to set deadlines to end the sale of vehicles with combustion engines. Something that, in the case of the United Kingdom and France, should happen until 2040, whereas, in the Netherlands, it will be until 2030.

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