Solid state batteries. Continental wants to challenge Asia and the US


After the EU has admitted support for European companies that decide to proceed with research in the field of batteries for electric cars, even supporting the constitution of a consortium capable of rivaling Asians and North Americans, the German Continental now admits that it will take a stand. in the field, with the clear intention of disputing the leadership of this market, with the companies that currently supply, including the European car manufacturers.

“We have no difficulty in seeing ourselves entering the development of the most advanced battery technology. The same goes for the production of battery cells"

Elmar Degenhart, CEO of Continental

However, in statements to Automobilwoche, the same responsible also recognizes that he would like to be able to form part of a consortium of companies, with which you could share the costs of this development. Since and according to the accounts made by the German company, an investment in the order of three billion euros will be needed to build a factory capable of supplying around 500,000 electric cars a year.

Continental Batteries

Continental wants to produce solid batteries as early as 2024

Still according to Degenhart, Continental does not admit, however, investing in technologies already on sale, such as lithium-ion batteries. Being only and only interested in developing the next generation of solid state batteries. Which, guarantees the same responsible, could enter into production as early as 2024 or 2025.

For Continental, batteries need a technological leap in terms of energy density and costs. Something that will only be possible with the next generation of these types of solutions.

Factories will be located in Europe, Asia and North America

However, and should you decide to go ahead with the development of this technology, Continental has already planned to build three factories — one in Europe, one in North America and another in Asia. This, in order to keep production close to markets and consumers.

Continental Batteries
Nissan Zama EV Battery Manufacturing Facility.

About the European plant, Dagenhart also assures, from now on, that it will not be located in Germany, due to the excessively high prices of electricity. Recalling that giants such as LG or Samsung, which already have a long history in this field, are building small battery factories, but in Poland and Hungary. Where electricity is 50% cheaper.

Remember that the battery market is, nowadays, dominated by Japanese companies such as Panasonic and NEC; South Koreans such as LE or Samsung; and Chinese companies such as BYD and CATL. As well as Tesla in the US.

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