This renewable diesel promises to make the "black life" of electric cars


Do you remember a few months ago we argued that the news announcing the death of diesel engines could be exaggerated?

Well then, here is one more solution that could contribute to extending the useful life of Diesel technology. Neste, an American company dedicated to fuel refining, has developed a renewable diesel from sustainable sources, Neste My, which can reduce between 50% and 90% the emission of greenhouse gases.

According to the figures from Neste, the greenhouse gas emissions of a diesel car (which advertises CO2 emissions of 106 g/km), which uses only and only its renewable diesel (produced from animal waste) , may even be lower than those of an electric car, when we consider the entire emission cycle: 24 g/km against 28 g/km.

This renewable diesel promises to make the
A bottle of Neste My diesel.

Introduced two years ago, the development of Neste My continues at a good pace. And if with regard to greenhouse gases the numbers are encouraging, so are the numbers for the other pollutant gases:

  • 33% reduction in fine particles;
  • 30% decrease in hydrocarbon emissions;
  • 9% less emission of oxides of nitrogen (NOx).

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How is Neste My produced?

According to this company, the production of Neste My uses 10 different renewable raw materials such as vegetable oils, industrial residues and other types of oils. All of them come from suppliers that are subject to prior sustainability certification.

In addition, Neste My guarantees greater efficiency than fossil diesel. Its cetane number — the equivalent of octane in gasoline — is superior to conventional diesel, which allows for a cleaner and more efficient combustion process.

Will combustion engines run out?

This is a topic that deserves moderation — which is sometimes lacking. Just as 100% electric vehicles are not the solution to everything, combustion engines are not the source of all problems.

Humanity's ability to solve the problems that affect us has been constant throughout history. Technological innovation and man's inventive capacity have contradicted the most catastrophic predictions since ancient times.

As far as automobiles are concerned, industry predictions have almost always failed. Electrification has been slower than anticipated and combustion engines continue to surprise. But whatever solution the future presents to us, the automotive industry has fulfilled the most important premise of all: to produce increasingly safer and more sustainable cars.

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