Gas prices go up again next week. Diesel "pause"


The price of simple 95 gasoline in Portugal is expected to rise again next Monday, July 19th. If confirmed, this will be the eighth consecutive week in which the price of 95 simple gasoline increases.

According to business calculations, next week there is scope for a rise of 1 cent for gasoline 95, which should reach 1,677 euros/litre.

Compared to December 2020, this price already represents an increase of 25 cents per liter. And if the basis of comparison is May 2020, the “scaling” of simple gasoline 95 is already 44 cents per liter.

diesel petrol station

On the other hand, and for the second consecutive week, the price of simple diesel should not change, remaining at 1.456 euros/litre.

Contrary to this growth trend in fuel prices in Portugal is the price of Brent (serves as a reference for our country), which has been devaluing for three consecutive weeks.

very busy week

It should be remembered that this week was marked by a dispute between the Government and the gas stations, after João Pedro Matos Fernandes, the minister of the Environment, proposed a decree-law that will allow the Executive to control the marketing margins, in order to avoid “doubtful ascents”.

Matos Fernandes explained, in Parliament, that the objective of this proposal is to make the "fuel market reflect its true costs" and that "when there is a decline, it should be felt and appropriated by consumers".

fuel image

In the meantime, this proposal has already received a response from the gas companies, which place the responsibility for the high price of fuel on the State and on the taxes applied.

According to the most recent information from Apetro, the Portuguese state collects around 60% of the final amount that the Portuguese pay in fuel, a tax burden that is among the highest in the European Union.

However, on the same day as the Environment Minister's proposal, ENSE - National Entity for the Energy Sector published a report that reports the rise in fuel sales margins.

fuel indicator arrow

According to that report, between the end of 2019 and last June, the gas stations collected, in gross terms, 36.62% (6.9 cents/liter) more in gasoline and 5.08% (1 cent /liter) in diesel.

Thus, on the last day of June 2021, for each liter of fuel consumed at filling stations, gas stations were left with 27.1 cents in the case of gasoline and 20.8 cents in the case of diesel.

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