End of combustion engines in 2035. UVE calls for earlier


The European Commission has passed a resolution banning the sale of any car with an internal combustion engine from 2035 onwards, which means that from that year onwards all cars will have to be electric (whether battery or fuel cell).

UVE – Association of Electric Vehicle Users has already reacted to this decision in a statement and applauds the end of cars with internal combustion engines, but defends "more ambitious goals" and calls for the proposal to be "advanced by five years" to 2030 .

“UVE, as a founding member of the Global Electric Vehicle Drivers Alliance and framed in its strategic vision, proposes a more ambitious target of eliminating the introduction of vehicles with CO2 emissions into the market by 2030, anticipating by five years the target proposed by the European Commission ”, can be read in the aforementioned communiqué.

GMA T.50 engine
Internal combustion engine, an endangered species.

“In addition to being an overriding objective from the point of view of mitigating climate change, it is also an important signal for the European car industry not to lag behind the market, as all signs point to sustained growth and exponential demand for emission-free vehicles in the European Union car market”, explains UVE.

It is recalled that, in total, CO2 emissions from the transport sector “account for up to a quarter of total EU emissions today and, unlike other sectors, are still increasing”.

In this way, “by 2050, emissions from transport must decrease by 90%”, in order to meet the much coveted goal of carbon neutrality in the European Union.

Within the transport sector, automobiles are the ones that pollute the most: road transport is currently responsible for 20.4% of CO2 emissions, aviation for 3.8% and maritime transport for 4%.

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