The 15 Best Engines of the 90s


A car doesn't make the engine, but the engine can make the car. You may not agree, but that's the way it is. And the 15 best engines — at least the ones we chose — definitely and eternally marked the cars that were equipped with them. They were a big part of her reason for being, of her attraction.

What would the Honda S2000 be without its atmospheric four-cylinder capable of 9000 rpm? Or the Impreza without a Boxer? And do I need to refer to the letters 2JZ-GTE?

The 90s deserves to be remembered for all the reasons and more, but today, let us remember the engines that we consider to have been the pinnacles of the decade. A decade in which emission control began to be taken much more seriously and electronics definitely invaded engines. But also, a decade where supercharging was still just synonymous with pure performance and the naturally aspirated engine reached superb performance levels.

These examples are pure mechanical jewelry, usually associated with machines that are also special — that's what happens when we let engineers loose. The variety of solutions stands out: from four to 12 cylinders, atmospheric and turbo, and three nationalities — Japanese, German and Italian.

We could extend the list to more engines, but a limit had to be set. Which meant leaving out fantastic examples — like some Italian V12s or American V8s — but in the end, these 15 selected sum up the quality and diversity of what marked the last decade of the 20th century.

Do you have other suggestions? Leave it in the comments.

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