Nissan GT-R with 3500 hp. What are the limits of the VR38DETT?


The Nissan GT-R engine can handle anything, or almost anything… for over 10 years, the best preparers have dedicated hours of endless work to extract the maximum power possible from the VR38DETT.

When we think it's impossible to go any further, there's always someone who reminds us that it's not after all. This time it was Extreme Turbo Systems that went the furthest, managing to extract 3 500 hp from the Japanese engine.

How is it possible?

Dark magic, alien technology, miracle or… engineering at the highest level. Maybe a little of all, but mostly engineering at the highest level.

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To reach 3500 hp in the Nissan GT-R requires extreme modifications. The engine block is brand new, and is the result of hours and hours of industrial machining. The internal parts undergo an equally profound upgrade, practically everything is new: crankshaft, camshaft, connecting rods, valves, injection, electronics, turbos. Anyway, almost nothing remains of the original engine, assembled in Japan by the Takumi masters.

The world's fastest Nissan GT-R

The measurements on the power bank indicate a maximum of 3,046 hp of power to the wheels. Bearing in mind that the power losses from the crankshaft to the wheels (due to inertia and mechanical friction) turn 20%, we reach a value of around 3 500 hp at the crankshaft.

A value that, according to Extreme Turbo Systems, allowed the Nissan GT-R of the images to complete 1/4 of a mile in just 6.88 seconds. A record time worthy of this winged monster whose limits continue to amaze us.

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