IT'S HONEY. From April 14th, parking in Lisbon will be paid again


Payment for parking on public roads charged by the Lisbon Municipal Mobility and Parking Company (EMEL) will resume on April 14th, in accordance with the most recent proposal approved by the Lisbon City Council (CML) on April 1st.

The proposal by Miguel Gaspar, councilor for Mobility at the CML, was approved with the favorable votes of the Socialist Party (PS) and the Left Bloc (BE). The Portuguese Communist Party (PCP) chose to abstain and the Popular Party (CDS-PP) and the Social Democratic Party (PSD) voted against.

Initially, the municipality had put forward the date of April 5 (next Monday) for the replacement of parking payment. However, this proposal has to be submitted to the Municipal Assembly, which will take place on April 13th, so the municipality now points to the date of April 14th.


“With the gradual resumption of economic activity in the city of Lisbon, there is also an increase in pressure on parking and public space in the city, and it is therefore necessary to ensure the normal regulation and inspection of parking and the use of public space in the city. ”, can be read in the proposal now approved, cited by the DN.

The document also foresees that from the same day “the normal tariff conditions of operation of the parks” of EMEL will be restored.

It should be remembered that payment for parking in public places managed by EMEL has been suspended since the end of January, when the second general confinement was decreed.

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