Red wine engine. The fictional story that marked our April Fools' Day


The times we live in demand two things: responsibility and a sense of humour. The first for us to do what is required, the second for us to withstand this period in the best way possible.

This is how Razão Automóvel's team faces daily work in the newsroom, which now, as a matter of civic responsibility, is working teleworking.

Contingencies that are the result of the pandemic crisis of the new coravirus, but that did not rob us of our sense of humour.

That's why yesterday, on April 1st, April Fools' Day, Manuel Bobine was born, an Alentejo man with heart and soul, with 50 years of life and a mechanic by profession for over 40 years. If you don't know him yet:

I want to meet the mechanic Manuel Bobine

A fictional character, who has a car workshop in the friendly parish of Vila Alva, in Beja, and who became famous for having invented a red wine combustion engine.

Red wine engine. The fictional story that marked our April Fools' Day 6186_1

We would like to thank everyone for the sharing and the messages they sent us motivated by this April Fools "departure".

In less than 24 hours, this article was shared over 17,000 times on social media and received hundreds of comments from the Razão Automóvel community. A community that you are part of.

A story that was successful because we weren't even kidding about giving our best. We took real news — literally real … — and adapted it to our reality.

Thanks for joining us daily! And don't forget, subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Razão Automóvel's team will continue online, 24 hours a day, during the COVID-19 outbreak. Follow the recommendations of the General Directorate of Health, avoid unnecessary travel. Together we will be able to overcome this difficult phase.

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