This diesel engine only has one cylinder (and will take a turbo)


Diesel engine. Here at Razão Automóvel we've already shown them in practically all their aspects. From the biggest in the world to the most pioneers ever, not to mention the most technological of today and now… one of the smallest.

The Warped Perception channel, which already showed us what happens inside the combustion chamber of an Otto cycle engine (gasoline), now wants to repeat the feat with a diesel cycle combustion engine.

As you know, combustion in gasoline engines takes place by ignition, and in diesel engines it takes place by compression. The differences are substantial and now we're going to have the opportunity to see how this happens in real time.

This diesel engine only has one cylinder (and will take a turbo) 6220_1
This is what happens inside the combustion chamber of a gasoline engine during combustion. Soon we will have images of the same process in a Diesel engine. Interesting, don't you think?

To show the differences, Warped Perception has created a new series, where the main star is a Kohler KD15-440 diesel engine. A small four-stroke diesel engine, single cylinder, with 440 cm3 and 10 hp of power.

In this series, there are going to be several reasons of interest. In this first episode, he started by testing this diesel engine with three different fuels: Conventional diesel, Biodiesel and Hydrodiesel (a new fuel developed by a company based in the USA).

When watching the video, notice the ingenious dynamometer improvised by this Youtuber to measure crankshaft power.

This diesel engine only has one cylinder (and will take a turbo) 6220_2
Although by a relatively small margin, it was Hydrodiesel (right bottle) that achieved the best performance. When we have more details, we'll come back to this fuel.

At the end of the video, the presenter of Warped Perception puts forward the possibility of associating a turbo with this one-cylinder diesel engine. It will be interesting to see what power can be extracted from this engine after a turbo is assembled. We are curious…

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As you know, diesel engines took a huge leap in performance as the car industry started to resort to forced intake systems — as is the case with turbos. Will it double the power? Bets are accepted.

It is, without a doubt, a series that we will continue to follow here at Reason Automobile.

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