Is your car a sauna in summer? End it!


Car interior scalding: this is perhaps one of the worst consequences of the summer, as it becomes impossible to survive in a car that has been in the sun all afternoon...

To deal with this problem in the best way, we bring you some suggestions to end this hell once and for all, but beware, there are no foolproof methods… Even that great idea of ​​filling your car with ice cubes and turning it into a huge walking glacier may not be the best option.

You probably never realized it, but on a typical summer day the temperature inside your car can be 10 to 20 °C higher than the temperature outside.

Doing the math, if they are, for example, 30ºC ambient temperature, they could be 50ºC inside a car, enough to “fry” all our oxygen in a few minutes… However, there are some ways to prevent and not let the car interior scalding and that's what we're going to highlight now.

leave the car in the shade

This is the most logical prevention method, but make no mistake, even in the shade your car will have a higher temperature inside than outside. Still, we strongly advise you to always try to find a place in the shade, after all, 40 °C is always better than 50 °C and a car parked in the sun favors the evaporation of gasoline, something no one wants…

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Leave windows slightly open

Although it's not much use, leaving the windows ajar helps to improve air circulation inside the car, which will lead to a small (but important) cooling gain.

Use folding windshield protector

For the unbelieving, wearing a windshield protector is ridiculously ugly and does nothing to cool the cabin. But they are wrong… These protectors have a simple and very important task: Do not leave the car's interior to scald, especially the steering wheel and other components, such as an oven when roasting an appetizing chicken.

Protect steering wheel, seats and shift lever

This point somewhat complements the previous point, but is perhaps more effective seen individually. Try leaving a damp cloth to protect the steering wheel and gearshift lever and leave a towel on the seats, if nothing else, it will help you conserve the vehicle's material and avoid those thermal shocks whenever you touch the steering wheel.

Use films on windows

The films darken the windows and consequently reduce the heat inside the car, thus preventing the wear of upholstery and plastics. In Portugal there are some difficulties in the approval of these films, but there are already several brands dealing with all these bureaucracies without major problems.

These five commandments will give you some work, but if by any chance you are one of those who is not into big ceremonies and you do not like to see your car competing with a Christmas tree in beauty contests, know that there is also for you way around the heat problem. The solution is simple: air conditioner! But as with everything in life, it has its pros and cons…

Air conditioning vs. Open windows

The air conditioning is a powerful ally to combat those more dizzying temperatures, but did you know that if it is operating at 50% of its capacity, it can increase fuel consumption by 10%?

The air conditioning to work draws strength from the car's engine and consequently causes greater effort, hence the increase in fuel consumption is inevitable. In times of contention, everything serves to save, so it is best to open your car windows. But here too there is a problem… Aerodynamics is essential for the stability of the vehicle and also for fuel consumption, and when you open the windows there is a gradual loss of aerodynamic efficiency.

Confused? Imagine that you are going on the highway at 120 km/h with the windows open, in addition to being turbulence that is not comfortable for your ears, there will be a greater resistance of the car to the air, which means that the existing friction will ask the engine to try harder to walk the same. According to some studies, it is more efficient to turn on the air conditioning at high speeds (over 80 km/h), as the fuel consumption resulting from aerodynamic losses is higher than the consumption of the air conditioning.

So you already know, whenever you drive at more than 80 km/h it's better to turn on the air conditioning, otherwise, it's best to open your car windows and feel that scorching breeze on your face.

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