These Citroën glasses are seasick proof


Let's be honest, as much as you like to travel, when you have a tendency to get car-sick (or in transport in general) you start to think twice before leaving your home. To help all those who suffer from this chronic seasickness (which, according to Citroën figures, are around 30 million in Europe alone) the Gallic brand created the Seetroën glasses.

Launched about six months ago, Seetroën glasses are the result of a joint effort between Citroën, start-up Boarding Ring and design firm 5.5. They can be used both by adults and by children over 10 years old (the age at which the inner ear has finished growing) and are not graduated and can also be installed over another type of glasses.

For the glasses to “do their job”, just use them for 10 to 12 minutes as soon as the first symptoms of seasickness appear. Available for 99 euros these glasses can be purchased at

Seetroën glasses by Citroën
Despite the “weird” look, according to Citroën these glasses are capable of stopping motion sickness.

Sales and awards are synonymous with success

Despite having only been on the market for about six months, Seetroën glasses have been very successful. Proof of this are the 15 thousand units sold and the more than 20 million opinions on social networks. In fact, the initial impact was such that after just three days of sales, a stockout had already occurred.

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In addition to sales, the awards also attest to the success of the glasses created by Citroën. In total, Seetroën have already won three European awards , achieving the silver medal at the Eurobest Award in the “Outdoor” category. At the Cristal Festival, the glasses won the silver medal in the “Best Brand Building” category and the bronze medal in the “Design” category.

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