6 Ford Tips to Avoid Car Sickness


Two out of three people have suffered from car sickness. According to the Ford study, this condition is more prevalent in passengers, especially children and teenagers, and is aggravated in stop-and-go traffic, winding roads and especially when traveling in the rear seats.

Yawning and sweating are the first warning signs of this situation, and they occur when the brain receives disconnected information from vision and the organ responsible for balance, located in the ear.

Babies don't get car-sick, these symptoms only occur when we start walking. You Pets they are also affected, and incredibly even goldfish suffer from seasickness, a phenomenon noted by sailors.

ford. car sickness

In tests coordinated by the Dutchman Jelte Bos, specialist in the perception of movement, it was found that if the windows allow a wider field of vision, on both sides of the road, the volunteers are less likely to get seasick.

In this sense, Jelte Bos suggests some precautions to take to reduce the symptoms of seasickness:

  • In the rear seats, it is preferable to sit in the middle seat, to view the road, or preferably to travel in the front seats;
  • Choose a smoother ride and, whenever possible, avoid sudden braking, strong acceleration and holes in the pavement;
  • Distract passengers – singing a song as a family can help;
  • Drink sodas, or eat gingerbread cookies, but avoid coffee;
  • Use a pillow or neck support to keep your head as still as possible;
  • Turn on the air conditioner so that fresh air circulates.

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