Medium speed radars arrive in 2021. Where will they be?


A few weeks ago we reported that 50 new Speed ​​Control Locations (LCV) would be added to the SINCRO (National Speed ​​Control System) network. For this, 30 new radars will be acquired, 10 of them able to calculate the average speed between two points.

According to statements by Rui Ribeiro, president of ANSR (National Road Safety Association) to Jornal de Notícias, the first medium speed radars will come into operation at the end of 2021.

However, the location of the 10 radars will not be fixed, alternating between 20 possible locations.

Lisbon Radar 2018

In other words, the driver will never know for sure which cabs will have a radar, but regardless of whether the cab has the radar installed or not, the driver will be alerted in advance by the H42 traffic sign (top image).

When encountering the H42 sign, the driver knows that the radar will record the entry time on that section of road and will also record the exit time a few kilometers ahead.

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If the driver has covered the distance between these two points in a time below the minimum stipulated to comply with the speed limit on that route, he is considered to have driven at excessive speed. The driver will thus be fined, with the fine to be received at home.

Where will the average speed cameras be?

As mentioned, the locations will not be fixed, but ANSR has already announced some of the places where these radars will be present:

  • EN5 in Palmela
  • EN10 in Vila Franca de Xira
  • EN101 in Vila Verde
  • EN106 in Penafiel
  • EN109 in Bom Sucesso
  • IC19 in Sintra
  • IC8 in Sertã

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