Cycling in Portugal. everything you need to know


Now that you know the rules for transporting bicycles in the car, today the subject is different: all the rules that apply to bicycle users on public roads.

The entry into force on 1 January 2014 of the latest version of the Highway Code (Law No. 72/2013, of 3 September) brought new rights and duties to cyclists. The goal? Ensure a peaceful coexistence between all users of the public road.

So that you are aware of these rules whenever you come across cyclists or as users of this means of transport, in this article we have compiled the rules in force.


Documents? only one is required

Unlike what happened in the past, for now bicycles do not need registration or registration. . In addition, these they are not required to have civil liability insurance. and, of course, your User does not need any license or legal license.

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That said, it's easy to think that anyone who rides a bike doesn't need to carry any documents with them. However, this is not true. All because according to the Highway Code the cyclists must always carry their legal identification document. (Identity Card, Citizen Card or Passport).

circulation rules

Many of the new rules provided for in the Highway Code for bicycles relate to the places where they can travel, their position on the road and the way in which they are “seen” in traffic situations.

To start with, the cyclists are now able to ride on the sidewalks , the only condition for doing so being that they do not disturb or endanger pedestrians. At the same time, the bicycles are no longer required to circulate on cycle paths , the cyclist being able to choose to circulate on the road if he thinks that this option is more advantageous.

Bicycle path
Contrary to what you might think, bicycles are not required to travel on cycle paths.

Another new rule applies to bicycles that ride alongside each other. Totally banned until 2014, this practice is no longer banned with the new Highway Code. Still, there are exceptions. If more than two cyclists ride at the same time and if this practice causes danger or embarrassment to traffic, riding in pairs is prohibited and may even result in fines.

As far as the positioning on the traffic lane is concerned, cyclists can, within the localities, occupy the entire lane, and should only position themselves as far to the right as possible whenever possible.

Since 2014, cyclists have been able to travel side by side on the road.

Enhanced Priority

Furthermore, the priority rule (the general rule of granting passage) has also undergone changes, with bicycles being assimilated to cars or motorcycles in these situations. That is, when there are no signs and a cyclist comes to the right, he has priority over the other vehicles.

Cyclists also gained rights at the roundabouts, being able to occupy the road furthest to the right even when they do not want to leave the roundabout at the first exit. The only condition in these cases is that they give way to drivers who want to leave the roundabout.

Finally, whenever they cross the carriageway that is destined for them, cyclists have priority of passage, having only to make sure that they can do it safely.

Lights? What do I want them for?

Although most bicycles do not have lighting devices, these are mandatory from dusk to dawn or when visibility is poor (eg in bad weather). In addition to lighting devices, reflectors are also mandatory.

If the cyclist rides in a situation where lighting devices are mandatory and these break down, he is obliged to carry the bicycle by hand. In this way, before the Highway Code, you are seen as a pedestrian.

cute bikes
Projects such as the shared bicycles in Lisbon or “Gira” have been increasing the number of bicycle users.

Finally, there is a question that “haunts” the use of a bicycle and that is a reason for discussion and disagreement: is the helmet mandatory? The answer to this question is simple: no, a helmet is not mandatory, although, like any personal protective equipment, it is recommended. On the other hand, trailers and child seats are both authorized, and only have to be duly approved.

As for the coexistence between cars and bicycles, don't forget: whenever you overtake a cyclist, you must leave 1.5 m of lateral distance . At the same time, this maneuver must be performed at a moderate speed so as not to harm those riding the bicycle.

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