15% of cars sold in 2030 will be autonomous


A study developed by an American company foresees major changes in the automobile industry in the coming decades.

The report (which you can see here) was published by McKinsey & Company, one of the top companies in the business consulting market. The analysis took into account current market trends, taking into account numerous factors, such as the growth of ride-sharing services, regulatory changes imposed by different governments and advances in new technologies.

One of the main arguments is that the needs of industry and drivers have been changing, and as a consequence manufacturers will have to adapt. “We are experiencing an unprecedented shift in the automotive industry, which has been transforming itself into a mobility industry,” commented Hans-Werner Kaas, majority partner at McKinsey & Company.

The study concluded that in cities with higher population density the importance of private vehicles is decreasing, and proof of this is the fact that the percentage of young people between 16 and 24 years old is decreasing, at least in Germany and the USA . By 2050, the forecast is that 1 in 3 cars sold will be shared vehicles.

With regard to electric vehicles, forecasts are uncertain (between 10 and 50%), as there is not yet a structure of charging stations set up to satisfy all the needs of these vehicles, but with increasing CO2 emission limits tight, it is likely that brands will continue to invest in electric powertrains.

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