Downtown Lisbon. Cars banned from driving from June, but with exceptions


THE Lisbon Reduced Emission Zone (ZER) for the axis Avenida Baixa-Chiado was presented this morning and is getting ready to revolutionize the way Lisboners (and beyond) move around downtown Lisbon.

Revealed by Fernando Medina, Mayor of Lisbon, the program not only envisages the creation of a series of restrictions on circulation, but also a set of works aimed at giving “new life to the Baixa, making it more organized and with fewer cars” .

The new Reduced Emission Zone (ZER) in downtown Lisbon will extend over an area of ​​4.6 hectares, going from Rossio to Praça do Comércio and from Rua do Alecrim to Rua da Madalena.

In this article, we show you not only who will be able to circulate in downtown Lisbon, but also all the changes that the plan that intends to remove around 40 thousand cars from Lisbon's streets will bring to the capital.

Who can walk there?

While motorcycles, ambulances, fire engines and funeral vehicles are not subject to any restrictions, the same is not true of private cars and TVDE.

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Regarding TVDE, these will only be able to circulate in the new Reduced Emissions Zone if they are electric. As for private vehicles, these will be able to circulate there if they have one of three badges and comply with the Euro 3 standard (after 2000).

THE first couplet it is intended for residents and caregivers of residents and will allow circulation and parking in that area.

already the second couplet allows circulation in that area, but does not authorize parking on the street and is intended for tourist vehicles, taxis, light commercial vehicles, car sharing services and vehicles that transport children to school.

THE third couplet it was designed for those who have electric cars, garages in that area and also for residents' guests. As for the other cars, these will only be able to circulate in downtown Lisbon if they comply with the Euro 3 standard and between 00:00 and 06:30.

According to Fernando Medina, in the period between 06:30 and 00:00 there will be an “electronic access control”, but “there will not be a physical barrier”. According to Medina, this will be "an effective deterrent mechanism", with sanctions being foreseen for those who do not comply.

According to the City Council, registration for obtaining the badge should start in May. In June/July, the new ZER should come into operation with an “information and awareness-raising character”, and in August it should already be in force without any limitations.

What changes the most in Lisbon?

In addition to the restrictions on circulation, the City Council is preparing to carry out an authentic revolution in many of the streets of Baixa de Lisboa. To start with, the streets of Fanqueiros and Ouro will lose traffic lanes to make way for new cycle lanes, with the same expected to happen on Avenida Almirante Reis.

Rua Nova do Almada and Rua Garrett will be made exclusively for pedestrians, while in Largo do Chiado only public transport will be used. Several extensions to the sidewalks and several changes in circulation are also planned.

Finally, the City Council also foresees the creation of a new “Public Walkway” on Avenida da Liberdade. Therefore, between Rua das Pretas and Restauradores, car traffic will be prohibited in the central lane, which will now be made on the side lanes, where the City Council will eliminate around 60% of the parking lot to create a bicycle lane on each side.

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