More than 4000 km to discover Morocco. An unforgettable adventure has come to an end


Started on April 25th, the third edition of Off Road Bridgestone/First Stop Morocco , came to an end last May 5th. Over 10 days, the caravan of 22 teams covered more than 4000 km in an event that ended without major setbacks and in which Clube Escape Livre presented a completely new program.

This year, Clube Escape Livre decided to take the caravan of the biggest tour of its calendar to the south of Morocco, showing not only the landscapes of that region but also the culture and people who live there.

The first day of the tour was reserved to make the trip to Tangier and visit the city that intends to be one of the largest in Morocco by 2032. On the second day, the caravan connected Tangier and Fez, a total of 315 km, on a day that stayed marked by the visit to the city of Chefchaouen, known as the blue city.

Off Road Bridgestone/First Stop Morocco 2019
The Mercedes-Benz X-Class was the official vehicle for this edition of the Off Road Bridgestone/First Stop Morocco.

On the third day, he arrived on land

On the third day, the route connected Fez, Khénifra and Bin Ouidane with the caravan covering a total of 400 km, on that day the debut of the dirt routes. There was also time to visit the city of Ifrane (a kind of Swiss city in Morocco), to cross the Cedar Forest in the Azrou region and to admire the highest dam in Africa.

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Off Road Bridgestone/First Stop Morocco
The usual family photo of the Off Road Bridgestone/First Stop Morocco caravan.

For the fourth day, the ascent to the Middle Atlas was reserved, in a route with 174 km that took the caravan to observe the Cathedral of Imsfrane. At the end of the day, Off Road Bridgestone/First Stop Morocco participants were accommodated in two Kashbahs, so that they could learn more about Moroccan habits and culture.

Paths of Santiago 2019-9

On the fifth day of Off Road Bridgestone/First Stop Morocco, the 110 km route took the caravan up to the 3,000 meters altitude of the High Atlas, with the participants also having the opportunity to tour the slopes of the “Vallée des Roses”, in shades brown and pink.

On the sixth day of the expedition, around 280 km were covered by the 22 teams that made up the Clube Escape Livre tour, 90 of which on dirt roads. The caravan was able to cross the Jbel Saharo mountain at an altitude of over 2700 m, have lunch in the village of Agoudal and even visit the Todra gorges.

Off Road Bridgestone/First Stop Morocco
The interaction between participants and local populations was one of the highlights of Off Road Bridgestone/First Stop Morocco.

This is a tour that is as demanding from a logistical and physical point of view as it is breathtaking. And when a challenge at this level results in the full satisfaction of all participants (…) we can only celebrate the success and thank all sponsors and partners for the opportunity to create these experiences

Luís Celínio, President of Clube Escape Livre

As for the stage between Boumalne Dades and Zagora, it covered 420 km (80 of which on land), with the caravan being received on this seventh day at Riad Lamane for lunch and socializing and having the opportunity to drive on the sands of the Sahara and the having to face a sandstorm. Towards the end of the day, the Erg Chegaga desert camp was booked.

Off Road Bridgestone/First Stop Morocco

the ninth day was rest

The eighth day of the expedition was the most demanding, with the caravan covering around 450 km (100 of which on land). The day started with most participants climbing the dunes at 6:00 am to see the sunrise. The rest of the day crossed the largest dry lake in Morocco (Iriki), the lanes towards Foum Zguid ending at the Hotel Savoy, in Marrakech.

Off Road Bridgestone/First Stop Morocco 2019

On the ninth day, the members of the 22 teams enjoyed a day dedicated to rest, where they could visit the city of Marrakech and shop in the Medina. Dinner (in a typical restaurant with dancers) marked the closing of the Off Road Bridgestone/First Stop Morocco program.

The return to Portugal took place on May 5th.

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