Strike ended, but limitation of 15 l per vehicle remains during Easter


As you can imagine, the end of the dangerous goods drivers' strike does not automatically mean the normalization of the situation of lack of fuel verified in the last few days – the 15 l supply limitation should remain in the next few days.

According to APETRO (Association of Petroleum Companies), it may take between three to five days for the replenishment of normal stocks at gas stations , with efforts concentrated on stations located on the main road axes.

During this period, the Strategic Network of Gas Stations (REPA) announced yesterday, April 17, should be maintained until the "complete normalization of the service", according to a source from the Ministry of Environment and Energy Transition in statements to Notícias to the Minute.

In other words, in the 310 stations that are part of REPA, the limitation of 15 l per vehicle is to maintain , as well as the reservation of at least one supply unit for the exclusive use of priority entities.

To find out which gas stations are covered by REPA, consult the list we published yesterday:

The 310 priority gas stations

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